LIVE CONFESSION with LEEN HORSFORD, September 27 im Café Engels, Berlin
leen: What do you do?
wilde pferde: Now? I am sitting here and drinking hot lemon and honey.
leen: Would you like to do something else?
wilde pferde: Yes
leen: What is the first artwork you remember?
wilde pferde: A little paper bird
leen: Do you believe in luck?
wilde pferde: Yes
leen: From the works you have done, which is the one you like the most?
wilde pferde: God and me, we both, created me.
leen: What is your biggest failure?
wilde pferde: Fear
leen: What is your favourite colour?
wilde pferde: Green
leen: What is inevitable?
wilde pferde: To suffer
leen: Which artist do you envy?
wilde pferde: No one
leen: What is your favourite toy?
wilde pferde: A rocking horse
leen: Has your family ever been embarrassed by what you do?
wilde pferde: It’s strange but I think no
leen: What are you favourite virtue and your least favourite virtue?
wilde pferde: To see things and not know what they are. And the opposite of it.
leen: What is your shameful pleasure?
wilde pferde: Eating grilled chicken
leen: What are you reading now?
wilde pferde: I will try to translate…‘Non-violent communication’
leen: Do you speak during lovemaking, and if so, what do you say?
wilde pferde: It depends on the partner I think.
leen: What are you most afraid of?
wilde pferde: To have the desire to be alone and cut yourself off from everything.
leen: Which is the best title for a book, a work of art, or a film?
wilde pferde: ‘Which Comes From the Heart’
leen: Which famous actor or singer, dead or alive, could play you in a film?
wilde pferde: I would play myself.
leen: What outfit would you like to be wearing when death catches you?
Something colourful
leen: Assuming both God and the Devil exist, who will welcome you when you die, and with what words?
wilde pferde: I have the feeling they would meet each other, and maybe they have a party or something, and I would join and I would have to get naked or something.
leen: Who are you?
wilde pferde: A person who is trying to give something and take something back.
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Fotos: Nadja Sayej | Courtesy of ArtStars* |